Services Agreement


The DTS Trading Room and/or the DTS Market Letter:

  1. Welcome to the The DTS Trading Room and/or the DTS Market Letter. Before you pay for any service, please make sure you clearly understand what to expect!
    1. You should expect to receive the market letter by 8.30 AM EST every trading day delivered to the email that you have on file. You should expect for the DTS Trading Room to be open around 8:00 AM ET on market days. You will receive welcome letters detailing more about this. 
    2. Since Paul alone personally writes the letter and runs the room, there will not be a letter or trading room on any days that he takes off. To make sure everyone will be happy and make sure there’s no misunderstanding or incorrect expectations for the value paid by members for their subscription if the letter is not published or the room is not open on some mornings. For this purpose, your expectation the that the letter will be published, and the trading room will be open, four days a week and that there may be four weeks vacation every year. While that should be the expectation, the truth is it will not likely be nearly that much.
    3. While technology is generally very reliable there may be days that the letter is unavailable, or the trading room cannot open, due to computer issues, Internet problems, or email delivery.
    4. You may cancel your subscription at anytime. You will not be charged for the following month (or year for annual subscriptions) as long as you cancel five days prior to your renewal date. The month is not refundable once you pay for it.