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There is a lot of great information here. Whether you are looking to manage your own long-term investments, make extra income day trading a couple of days a week, or go full-time day trading.

The goal at DTS is to help you with whatever your goals are. Many of you are just ‘trading curious’, some may be trying to learn on your own. There is nothing wrong with that, it is exactly what I tried to do. -Paul


First you may request a free 20 minute coaching session. Ask questions, review trades, get input on a trading plan.
Click HERE to schedule a time.

Note: Click on the video to play and click in the bottom right corner to enlarge!

Note: 11/22/23 there was a change and the introduction of the DTS Platinum Member. This may have changed what you read in a prior email or web page. 

While the most recent videos are here on the Free Stuff Page, the DTS Archive Videos are now part of the DTS Platinum Membership. Click HERE for info.


Trade of the week – (oldest to newest>>>)

Click HERE for info about the Trade of the Week Archive Videos


Educational Videos on various topics

For Newbies

Hall of Fame!

The 4 Top Videos as Voted on by dTS Members after almost 4 years of videos

(a great place to start if you are here for the first time…)

Prior Educational Events (oldest to newest>>>)

Click HERE for a list of ALL the Prior Educational Events…

Click HERE for info about the Prior Educational Events Archive Videos



About DTS

Warning: NOT educational content. View at your own risk!

Overview of Resources Available to Seminar Program Members

DTS Trading Room Welcome
(for Members of the DTS Trading Room)


ETF Cheat Sheet

Futures Symbol Guide


Stock Websites

Targets Tracking Sheet

NASDAQ 5th Letter Meanings




Beginner’s Handbook Part 1-3

Beginner’s Handbook Part 2-3

Beginner’s Handbook Part 3-3

Your Progress as a Trader

What is the Market?

What Are Those  Spikes on My Chart

4 Secrets to Trading-Investing Part 1-4

4 Secrets to Trading-Investing Part 2-4

4 Secrets to Trading-Investing Part 3-4

4 Secrets to Trading-Investing Part 4-4

Listening to or Studying all the Wrong Things


Prior Educational Lessons

Click HERE for a list of ALL the Prior Educational Events…


May 27, 2024

The Ultimate Proof of Price Movement

If you follow me, the question about what makes prices (the market, stocks, forex, ETS, commodities) move is not a question. It never was. You will never make a penny understanding the economy or fundamentals. That is a… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


June 09, 2024

One Comment on My Style of Day Trading

This is a day trading example, although the same concepts can be applied to the long term. Everyone is a little different. There are many “right” ways to trade that make money. There are many “wrong” ways to trade the will… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


June 16, 2024

Excuses – Edition #17

One of the last podcasts I did was about “Excuses” and I have done numerous articles in the past about this topic. There’s a reason I feel this is an important topic and I will conclude this lesson with that reason. The recent excuse I see all over that has been… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


June 19, 2024

Separate Account

There seems to be a huge human tendency to want to “figure things out” for themselves in the market, or at least to trade based on their personal opinion or experiences. As you know this is a huge mistake. And it’s not my opinion it is simply a fact. You can figure… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


June 28, 2024

Trading May NOT Be What You Think…

 If you are new to trading, trading is definitely NOT what you likely think. Even if you are not new to trading, proper trading is likely much different than what you do. Unless you are profitable and have passed the test… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


August 1, 2024

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up…

You also know I mock the pundits who are always telling you why something happened after it happened. But NEVER before. And the reasons often get insane. But most people kind of… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


August 2, 2024

Concepts of Long or Short v. the Trend…

I promised you a second email, here it is. However, this email changed a little. This email grew until it was too much, so I am starting the conversation here with a couple of key points, and then this title will be… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


August 12, 2024

An Educational Email Follow Up on Excuses…

I picked that title because I like to always supply proof to the things that I say. I suspect some of you do may not completely embrace everything I have to say although it is quite true. I have recently supplied… CLICK TO KEEP READING 


Recently move to the Platinum page

  • What Really Matters
  • Oh That TSLA
  • Market Manipulation
  • Daily Chart v. Day Trading

Along with 60 other great archived lessons…

Access them by becoming a Platinum Member with LOTS of other benefits.


DTS Trading ‘Quick Tips’

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