Seminar – Coaching

You will find all prices to be very affordable to help both new and experienced traders.
But don’t be fooled – this is a professional site for serious traders run by an 23 year veteran.

If you want to see a list of all services and seminars with prices and combo prices click below or HERE

How long does it take to learn to read charts? 
Obviously it varies from person to person and the time committed. 

But you can view the schedule that is used for Seminar Students HERE

Taught live online by Paul Lange who has written many
of the courses that are now taught across the industry…

Seminars are done in the DTS Seminar and Training Room.
This is a high tech chat room with voice, live screen share, slide shows and white boards.
And, you also get the DTS Home Study Program; a professional college / corporate LMS platform for learning the seminar program material.

What are Seminar Program Students saying about their DTS Seminar Program?

What is Your Excuse???
The stories of 3 uniquely different DTS Traders…

Read all 3 HERE.

Read MANY other actual testimonials from current and prior students – HERE




Additional Information about the Seminars and Seminar Program





DTS Seminar Program –

All Three Classes Plus…


  • Unlimited retakes of all the seminars – Important
  • Seminar cycle repeats every 6-10 weeks
  • The DTS Home Study Program is included
  • The DTS Home Study Program is a professional college / corporate LMS platform for learning the seminar program material (LMS stands for learning management system). You can view it at home or any one location you chose (one IP location). 
  • The Practical Application and Review Days (PARD)
  • The Graduate Scanning Sessions
  • Access to Paul for review of trades and plans
  • Whatever coaching and review is necessary to make you successful – Certain procedures are followed for coaching

*** Click HERE for more details about the DTS Seminar Program & Home Study. 




Price – $6997



The Seminars Individually

unlimited Retakes for any seminar


Technical Analysis

Click on one of these links for more information or to sign up for this DTS Seminar

Price – $2497

Advanced Tactics

Click on one of these links for more information or to sign up for this DTS Seminar

Price – $2497



Click on one of these links for more information or to sign up for this DTS Seminar

Price – $2497

One hour blocks of coaching with Paul Lange

Coaching sessions are done in the DTS Seminar and Training Room. This is a high tech chat room with voice, live screen share, slide shows and white boards. While in this room you can choose to speak over a mic on on the phone.

 on ONE page



  Everything you wanted to know… 

   Just CLICK 


    Or download to   view offline 

Or listen to a quick video tour 

Quick Facts…

This is not for Seminar Program Members – they have coaching included.

Request your time. Normal coaching hours are Monday-Thursday from 12:00 PM ET – 6:00 PM ET but other times can be requested.

This is YOUR time to accomplish what you need to improve your long or short term trading goals. 

There is no pre-requisite. 

It is suggested you email your goals and information before your session to make it as successful as possible.  


Sign up for coaching hours.
You can request your preferred time when you sign up…